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  • Appraisal Fiasco

    PAINT Due to lead paint concerns, the home cannot have any evidence of peeling or chipping paint. Commonly Found In: Homes built before 1978. Resolution: Repainting or removal of all existing paint is required. UTILITIES All outlets GFI, lights, plumbing, appliances and heating and cooling systems must be operable and turned on at the main power source prior to the inspection. Commonly Found In: Vacant properties, real estate-owned properties, short sales, pre-foreclosures. Resolution: Encourage your clients to take note of which outlets are not functioning in the home and replace them. They may want to consider hiring an electrician to make sure both outlets and the electrical box are updated and in proper working condition. WINDOWS Have your client take a quick inventory of the windows to make sure they’re in good working order. Replace windows that are cracked or broken before the inspection to save time during the selling process. Also, The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and some conventional investors require that barred bedroom windows without exterior access must have security release latches, that are commonly found in garden units and street-level properties in urban areas. HANDRAILS To comply with HUD property safety standards, all steps and stairways must have railings. For properties with more than one floor or elevated/lower-level entrances handrails must be installed near steps and stairways that don’t have them. WELL, WATER SUPPLY AND SEPTIC SYSTEMS The well or septic tank and leach lines must be equipped, identifiable and an acceptable distance from property lines and sources of pollution. Commonly Found In: Older properties, rural properties Resolution: These systems must be updated or replaced if they fail a water well test. #Appraisal #NewHouse2018 #Mortgage

  • Stand Out From The Crowd

    While real estate agents are still key in the home buying process, buyers are increasingly looking to do more leg work online before involving the experts. Here are our Real Estate marketing ideas for those looking to win the digital marketing game. Set Yourself Up For Social Make sure you have social media accounts on all the big networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and even Instagram if you snap a lot of house pics). Interact with users, share good press, and promote your properties. Create a Killer Business Card Get an awesome looking business card and hand them out like pizza flyers on a Friday night. Create a Newsletter Email marketing is one of the best strategies for building client relationships. Collect emails from your website, local outreach, or any other methods you can think of. Send your email subscribers the stuff they’re looking for – notices about upcoming open houses, new houses on the market, news about seminars you’re offering in the area, etc. Hire a Photo Pro Successful real estate relies heavily on great photography. Bad photos will diminish interest in even the greatest of properties. It’s absolutely vital that you have gorgeous photos of your properties. Hire a professional photographer (preferably with experience photographing homes and architecture), or, if you have sophisticated equipment and are confident in your abilities, have your own hand at it. Just remember this is one of those scenarios when it pays to bring in the professionals. Get Branding Branding is your buddy – that means pens, cellphone holders, coffee cups, and all those other freebies people love. Give out some branded goodies at local festivals and events to spread your brand. Ask for Testimonials From Former Clients Testimonials are tremendous trust signals. Showing that real, live people endorse your services means the world to potential clients. When a homebuyer has had a great experience with you, reach out to them and ask for a testimonial. If possible, try to get a photo of them as well. Make the most of these testimonials by placing them strategically on your website and sharing them now and then on social networks. Create an Awesome Website Today’s consumers like to do a lot of legwork themselves online when making major purchases, and that includes home buying as well. Make it easy for users to access all this information – make sure all your property pages have great photos, virtual tours, and easy access to Google Maps and Google Earth. List the hot spots nearby and their respective walking distances (mention the bus stop that’s just a five minute walk, or the Starbucks at the end of the block). Create a Referral System Provide incentives for past clients to refer you to future homebuyers. Keep In Touch Stay in touch (even months and years later) with past buyers in order to build in that good relationship. Send anniversary cards, holiday cards, etc. to stay fresh in their minds. When they have a friend who is ready to buy, they’ll pass along your info. Source: ORM is always just one call away and will work diligently to ensure that your borrowing and buying experience is clear, professional and customer-focused. We guarantee that you are in good hands and be with you every step of the way. Call us today (888)848-6065 #GoodTip #Mortgage #BusinessTips #RealEstate #Marketing

  • Clic-Clic, Vende rapido las casa,con fotos increibles

    1. Establecer un escenario Del mismo modo que no desearías que los invitados o los amigos vieran tu hogar en desorden. Definitivamente no deseas que los posibles compradores sepan qué marca de cereal compras o que descubran una pila vieja de periódicos. Aquí es donde entra en escena. Dedique tiempo a los detalles: Organice estanterías, arregle escritorios y quite alfombras o muebles que bloquearán la vista en sus fotos. Scott Curcio de Coldwell Banker en Chicago, IL. Sugiere. "Párate en el lugar donde fotografiarás cada habitación, ¿qué ves que te distrae?, Quítalo para obtener las mejores tomas del espacio." 2. Arregle sus imágenes para contar una historia Cuando los compradores se encuentran con su lista en línea, solo les quedan unos segundos para captar su atención: las fotos al azar pueden ser confusas. Arregle sus fotos como un recorrido virtual por su casa. Primero, deles la bienvenida a través de la puerta principal y alrededor del primer piso antes de continuar hacia otras partes de la casa. Esto ayudará al comprador a tener una mejor idea del diseño de la casa. "Menos a veces es más", dice Patrick McLaughlin, un agente inmobiliario con Douglas Elliman en Sag Harbor, Nueva York. "Las fotos del listado deben ser una invitación a una lista. No cometa el error de intentar venderlo completamente en línea.” 3. Concéntrese solo en algunas partes de la casa Aunque puede que le encanten sus tres baños recién pintados, asegúrese de fotografiar los espacios que cree que atraerán a un comprador potencial, y deje de lado el resto. Por ejemplo, si tiene un increíble baño de spa, use una imagen de eso para poner a los espectadores en una mentalidad relajada, en lugar de abrumarlos con múltiples tomas de espacios similares. 4. No tome fotos poco realistas La honestidad es siempre la mejor política, especialmente cuando se trata de incluir fotos. "Me gusta que las fotos sean exactamente representativas de la casa, por lo que las personas ven exactamente lo que pensaban que verían o comentan que la casa se ve mejor en la vida que en las fotos". 5. Muestra los detalles arquitectónicos Ahora es el momento de alardear sobre la moldura de techo, el techo artesonado y la gran ventana salediza que siempre ha amado en su hogar. Los compradores potenciales se sienten atraídos por interesantes detalles arquitectónicos que aumentan el valor de la propiedad (sin mencionar el carácter de la casa), ¡así que muéstrelos en las fotos de la lista! 6. Toma fotos aéreas ¿Realmente quiero causar una gran impresión? Muestra tu hogar y superficie desde arriba. Jim Brooks de Realty One Group en Las Vegas, NV, sugiere probar la fotografía de drones, si su vecindad o la asociación de propietarios lo permite. "El factor 'wow' solo generalmente vale la pena el costo", dice. 7. Deje entrar la luz natural Vender una casa se trata de crear un sentimiento para los vendedores potenciales, y nada dice más que imágenes brillantes y felices. "La luz solar natural puede tener un tremendo impacto en la apariencia de la propiedad", dice Kameron Kang de ENG Garcia Properties en Washington, DC. " ¡Una de las mejores cosas de la luz solar natural es que es gratis! Los días nublados y oscuros pueden producir fotos muy aburridas que no atraerán a las personas a su propiedad. Con eso en mente, trate de programar la toma de fotografías en días soleados, lo que resaltará su hogar” #RealEstate #BusinessTips #Spanish

  • The Pre-Qual vs. Pre-Approval Game

    Pre-kwalifikacja vs. pre-approval Proces o przyznanie kredytu hipotecznego zaczyna się od wstępnej kwalifikacji (pre-qualification) lub wstępnego potwierdzenia (pre-approval). Wielu agentów pożyczkowych używa tych dwóch zwrotów na przemian, lecz jest między nimi kolosalna różnica, co może mieć wpływ na to czy twoja oferta zostanie przyjęta czy też nie. Pre-kwalifikacja (pre-qualified) Oznacza to, że bank kontaktował się z klientem i omówił sytuację finansową klienta. Informacje użyte są podane bezpośrednio od klienta (bez werifikacji), co często nie oddaje dokładnie sytuacji finansowej. Osoba zainteresowana podaję swoje zarobki, wydatki oraz aktywa, a bank określa na podstawie podanych informacji w przybliżeniu na jaką kwotę pożyczki można zakwalifikować klienta. Nie ma żadnych gwarancji, że informacje otrzymane od klienta są prawdziwe, ani że po werifikacji klient nadal będzie w stanie zakwalifikować się na daną pożyczkę. Jest to zazwyczaj pierwszy krok w procesie pożyczkowym, ale większość agentów/sprzedających nie uzna wstępnej kwalifikacji przy składaniu oferty na kupno​. Co to oznacza byc pre-approved? W odróżnieniu od wstępnej kwalifikacji, pre-approval oznacza, że klient przesłał swoje informacje finansowe do banku (odcinku z czeków z wypłaty, historię kredytową, itp), i bank przejrzał i zweryfikował informacje. Daje to pełny obraz zdolności finansowej danego klienta. Dobry agent pożyczkowy już w tym momencie może znaleźć źródło późniejszych problemów lub rozwiać niepewności klienta. Trzeba pamiętać, że nawet pre-approval nie gwarantuje otrzymania pożyczki. W skład tego procesu wchodzi jeszcze aplikacja, process gwarancji od banku (underwriting) i finalny approval. Sprzedający oraz agenci nieruchomościowi będą w stanie złożyć lub zaakceptować oferty klientów, którzy przeszli już pre-approval.​ Koncik porad Najlepszą metodą przejścia procesu pożyczkowego jest bliska współpraca ze swoim agentem pożyczkowym. W One Republic Mortgage przykładamy dużą wagę do tego, aby nasze pre-approvals gwarantowały możliwość kupna i bardzo starannie przeglądamy informacje finansowe waszych klientów. #Mortgage #Lending #BusinessTips

  • "Good Neighbor Next Door" Program

    What is it? HUD ( Housing and Urban Development) offers a substantial Incentive in the form of a discount of 50% from the list price of the home for buying a HUD home during the lottery Who Qualifies? Law Enforcement Officers, Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade teachers, Firefighters Emergency Medical Technicians​ How the Program Works Eligible Single Family Homes located in revitalization areas are listed exclusively for sale through the Good Neighbor Next Door Sales program. Properties are available for purchase through the program for seven days. Requirements All Good Neighbor participants are required to: Work with a realtor Live and work in the revitalization area Commit to occupy the house for up to 36 months Bidder or the spouse cannot have participated in GN Previously​ Call us to learn more (888)848-6065 #Lending #Mortgage

  • Who is Your Mortgage Loan Champion

    Choosing the right mortgage loan originator can be a tough task, but it’s a necessary part of the home-buying and home-selling process. Many people are willing to help you finance your home, remember to consider these qualities that a good mortgage loan originator must have, in order to ensure that you will be happy with the services received. Walk the borrower through the entire mortgage process Good mortgage loan originators will go out of their way to make sure that their clients understand what the mortgage process entails, especially first-time home buyers. They know what loan programs are an eligible fit, and what basic requirements are. Great at customer service and communicating with all 3rd parties involved in the transaction Communication with realtors, builders, title companies and appraisal companies is very important, as well as communication within their processing, underwriting, and closing departments. Organized In order to be successful in the mortgage industry, one has to be able to create and keep up with a structured schedule, listing every to-do that must be completed, and more importantly, back to communication to appropriate parties. Direct Top of the best qualities of a good mortgage loan originator is being forthright. Building trust between the borrower, and the real estate agent is fundamentally important. Knowledge of the industry, products and guidelines! The mortgage industry is an ever-changing field, so keeping up to date is critical. If you don't work with someone who is aware of these changes, you will not receive the best possible guidance regarding your buyer’s various options. Key skills! Believe it or not, there are many loan officers who are not skilled at reading tax returns. It can make or break the mortgage approval if this is not done correctly. The qualifying income can be tricky to evaluate. If a loan officer is not very knowledgeable, there could be mistakes made resulting in a loan denial or additional conditions. Technical background Today's loan officer needs to be tech savvy. Much of originating a mortgage requires complex software programs. If one is not skilled in this area, their time will be eaten up trying to navigate this aspect of the process. That means they will have less time to tend to needs of the client. A Mortgage Banker, not to be confused with a Mortgage Broker or an institutional bank, originates mortgage loans and then immediately sells the loan to either an investor, or directly to the agencies. Unlike a bank or credit union, mortgage banks specialize in mortgages – not other types of financing products such as credit cards, automobiles, or commercial lending. A good loan officer will get you to the closing table in a timely manner. They will communicate with you throughout the process. They are always available here at One Republic Mortgage to work together with you. Call or email us for your next transaction. #Mortgage #Lending #BusinessTips

  • VA Loans Generals

    A VA loan is a mortgage loan guaranteed by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The basic intention of the VA home loan program is to supply home financing to eligible veterans and to help veterans purchase properties with no or very little down payment. Eligibility Most members of the regular military, veterans, reservists and National Guard are eligible to apply for a VA loan. Spouses of military members who lost their lives while on active duty or as a result of a service-connected disability also can apply Advantages of a VA loan No down payment required on eligible loans No closing cost No appraisal fee No private mortgage insurance ( PMI) Fixed and Adjustable loans Ability to finance the VA funding fee Funding fee….good to know There’s a one-time funding fee that varies, depending on the down payment and the type of veteran. A borrower in the armed forces getting a VA loan for the first time, with no money down, would pay a fee of 2.15 percent of the loan amount. The fee is reduced to 1.25 percent of the loan amount if the borrower makes a down payment of 10 percent or more. Reservists and National Guard members normally pay about a quarter of a percentage point more in fees than active-duty members pay Funding fee….good to know The VA does not require a certain credit score for a VA loan VA guidelines allow veterans to use their home-loan benefits a year or two after bankruptcy or foreclosure VA loans are available only to finance a primary home Call us to learn more (888)848-6065 #Lending #Mortgage

  • First Time Home Buyer Cool Niches

    Let your First Time Homebuyers know they have options!!! At One Republic, we always stay creative in what useful niche products we can offer. Contact us today, we would love to tell you or your clients more! We strive for customer service excellence. 1. 10% down is cool, but what if we added NO ESCROWS required…nice option to have if buyers are tight on money 2. 3% down on all conventional loans, don’t always have to go FHA, but we do offer both 3. College Degree immediate financing—buyer graduated, got a job, no seasoning or waiting, we will do the loan 4. Closing Cost Assistance Programs-receive credits, find out more from ORM loan reps 5. Did you that if your buyer didn’t own a property for 3 years, we consider that transaction to be “First time home buyer” Call us today (888)848-6065 #GoodTip #Lending #Mortgage #BusinessTips #RealEstate

  • The ITIN Mortgage Program

    ITIN Lending Program (Non-Citizen Lending) Today, a home buyer doesn’t need a social security number to get a mortgage. Shocking, but its true!!! Foreign nationals working in the United States may be eligible, as long as they have an ITIN number, and meet certain criteria. ORM will find the loan that is the best fit for your client’s needs. Loans for qualified buyers Designed to help a borrower with Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, but no social security number. No Visa, Work Permit, or Green Card needed Alternative income documentation accepted. High LTV = Low down Payment. Low Credit Scores, Bankruptcy, foreclosure, short-sale OK! Basic Qualifications US Gov ID, Matricula Consular ID, or Passport 2 years same or similar line of work (can be self employed) 2 years tax returns using ITIN 10% down payment, can be gifted partially! Both Owner and Investor occupancy #Mortgage #Lending

  • Student Loans Hits Buying Power

    FHA Loans FHA loans are a popular option for first-time home-buyers. Down payments can be as little as 3.5%. The current calculation of deferred student loans has been dropped by half! Going from the old 2% rule to now 1% of the balance of the total sum of outstanding student loans. The improvement in underwriting guideline, allows us to increase the purchase power for our buyers, due to the drop in estimated debt. This amount could play a factor in buying that dream home. Conventional Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not far behind in making school loan calculations more common sense underwriting driven. Change #1: Student loan payment calculation Lenders may use the student loan payment as it appears on the credit report for qualification. Period. Before the change, lenders had to use 1% of the outstanding balance or the fully amortizing repayment amount. The higher payment would put the buyer outside Debt To Income Ratio guidelines. Change #2: Student debt paid by others Just because a payment shows up on a mortgage applicant’s credit report does not mean the borrower pays it. Often, that obligation is taken care of by a parent or another party. In these cases, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would omit the payment entirely. This will do wonders for a buyer’s DTI ratio, and in turn, the mortgage approval. VA Loan For our Veterans, VA loan is extremely beneficial, and has layered pro’s. The Veteran or the spouse of one, provides written evidence that the student loan debt will be deferred at least 12 months beyond the date of closing, a monthly payment does not need to be considered, and is omitted from Debt To Income Ratio. Again, meaning more buying power for the borrower! In a situation of non-deferment, there is a pretty complex calculation used to slice and dice the payment off the credit reporting number. Our very knowledgeable staff is able to assist in pre-approving these much attention needed cases. Contact us to learn more (888)848-6065 #GoodTip #Lending #Mortgage

  • Land Trust Our Way

    Advantages and Benefits of Closing in a Land Trust The Title Holding Trust or Land Trust is a device for acquiring, holding, managing and selling real estate. It is a more desirable and advantageous ownership structure than some of the more familiar forms of real estate ownership. The reasons that are beneficial to Title Holding Trust or Land Trust are to acquire, hold and dispose of real estate or personal property include: Confidentiality or Privacy of Ownership Confidentiality and privacy of ownership is without a doubt the most important benefit of the Title Holding Trust or Land Trust. Owners of real estate are entitled to just as much privacy as owners of stocks and bonds. Real estate ownership does not need to be a matter of public record. The Title Holding Trust or Land Trust provides an excellent method for acquiring, holding and disposing of real estate without revealing the true owner's identity. The Title Holding Trust or Land Trust is particularly useful in landlord-tenant relationships where the landlord wants all tenant contact to be with the property manager and does not want the tenant to be able to locate the true owner (Landlord). Anonymity may also be desirable in real estate negotiations where knowledge of true identities might otherwise hinder or complicate the transaction Ease of Transferring or Financing Property Real estate owners must sign all of the necessary legal, financing and closing documents each time real estate is acquired, refinanced or sold. This burden can be eliminated by acquiring and holding real estate in a Title Holding Trust or Land Trust. Only the signature of the Trustee would be required when real estate is held in a Title Holding Trust or Land Trust. The Title Holding Trust or Land Trust can be an especially useful tool when there are multiple beneficiaries (owners) or multiple properties being acquired and held. Protection Against Liens or Judgments Liens or judgments against a beneficiary cannot affect the real estate held in a Title Holding Trust or Land Trust because the beneficiary does not own the real estate. The beneficiary owns a beneficial interest in the Title Holding Trust or Land Trust, which is personal property rather than real property. This can be particularly important when one of the beneficiaries in a Title Holding Trust or Land Trust may be prone to litigation, liens or judgments. The Title Holding Trust or Land Trust protects the other beneficiaries in the same Title Holding Trust or Land Trust from these attachments. Multiple Beneficiaries (Owners) Title Holding Trust or Land Trust is particularly helpful in conveying or transferring ownership in property when there is more than one beneficiary since title to the real property is held in the name of the Trustee. For example, four children may have inherited their parents' property. In order to facilitate the sale of the property, it can be transferred into a Title Holding Trust or Land Trust. Thus, only the Trustee need execute the necessary transaction documents to complete a sale or refinance of the subject real property. No Registered Agent A registered agent for service of process is not required for a Title Holding Trust or Land Trust unlike with a corporation or limited liability company. Cost Efficient Title Holding Trusts are much more cost effective compared to other forms of real estate ownership. There are no annual filing fees, no tax return preparation fees, no minimum annual taxes due, no Secretary of State filing fees and no registered representative costs. There is only the annual Trustee fee. Transactions are Private The terms and conditions of any transaction remain confidential and private. Any recorded documents are in the name of the Trustee and are signed by the Trustee. Saves on Title Insurance Premiums The Trustee of the Title Holding Trust or Land Trust is the insured party and remains the same before and after any transfer of beneficial interests. Therefore, there is no need to obtain costly title insurance endorsements when beneficial interests are transferred. Great Negotiating Advantage Real estate investors can acquire real property without tipping off sellers or competitors. (Walt Disney acquired all of the land in Florida through a land trust prior to construction of Disney World. This way no one was able to take advantage of Walt Disney by inflating prices.) Collateral for Financing The beneficiary's interest in a Title Holding Trust or Land Trust can be used as collateral for bank loans. The beneficial interest may be pledged as collateral without the additional need and expense of obtaining a mortgage. The beneficial interest may be pledged as collateral even where there is an existing mortgage against the real estate. Contact us to learn more (888)848-6065 #GoodTip #Lending #Mortgage #BusinessTips

  • Marketing do Milenialsów: Porada dla Agentów

    Milenialsi mieli huczne wejście na rynek kupujących domy. Od 2015 przebili liczebnościowo grupę „baby-boomers” i są obecnie największą grupą kupującą nieruchomości w Stanach. Z tego względu marketing do Milenialsów powinien być na czele twojej piramidy priorytetów. Zrozumieć Milenialsów Czasami określani mianem „Generacji Y”, Milenialsi są pokoleniem ludzi urodzonych pomiędzy 1980 i 2000. Przewiduje się, że Milenialsi przekroczą liczbę 75.3 milionów w 2018. Z większością w wieku pomiędzy 18 i 34 lat, wielu z nich szuka możliwości kupna lub wynajmu swoich czterech kątów. Kiedy reklamujesz do Milenialsów pamiętaj, o tym że: 89% Milenialsów skorzysta z usług agenta, ale również mogą mieć większe wymagania od swojego agenta 63% Milenialsów, którzy sprzedali swoją nieruchomości poleciłoby swojego agenta znajomym lub ponownie skorzystało z jej/jego usług. Są to najniższe wyniki na przestrzeni wszystkich badanych generacji. 70% Milenialsów, którzy kupili nieruchomość poleciłoby swojego agenta lub ponownie skorzystało z jej/jego usług. Około 45-50% Milenialsów znalazło swojego agenta po rekomendacji rodziny lub znajomych. Milenialsi są przykuci do social media i sms-ów, aczkolwiek 75% badanych Milenialsów nadal chcę, żeby do nich dzwonić. Milenialsi uwielbiają internet do komunikacji i szukania okazyjnych nieruchomości. Ponad 94% Milenialsow używało stron internetowych typu Redfin, Zillow w poszukiwaniu swojego domu. 51% z nich znalazło swój docelowy dom w taki właśnie sposób. Pomimo niezależności, 87% Milenialsów nadal szuka porady dotyczącej nieruchomości u swojego agenta czyli u Ciebie!. Jak dotrzeć do Milenialsów Milenialsi kochają swoja technologię: urodzeni w czasach wszelkich nowinek technologicznych, komputerów i smartfonow. Gdy reklamujesz do Milenialsów, pamiętaj że są oni badziej skłonni do odpowiedzi na reklamy on-line, niż konwencjonalne formy marketingu takie jak gazety, plakaty czy pocztówki. Pomimo tego, że twoja firma może posiadać fizyczne biuro, nie zapominajcie o swojej prezencji w formie wirtualnego biura. W ten sposób zapewnicie sobie możliwość interakcji z przyszłymi klientami poprzez social media, email, Skype, SMS lub inne. Jedne z lepszych metod komunikacji z potencjalnymi klientami Milenialsami są blogi oraz krótkie filmiki na portalach takich jak Youtube. Wielu agentów prowadzi swoje własne blogi oraz dzieli się wideo z oględzin swojej nieruchmosci. Im więcej reakcji orzymaja na serwisach typu Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr or Instagaram tym większa publiczności. Podsumowując: Marketing do Milenialsów może być wymagający, ale jest warty zachodu. Do równomiernego rozwoju swojego biznesu jako Agent, pamiętaj aby część uwagi poświęcić docelowym obiorca tzw. Target group. Znajdź znaczącą metodę komunikacji z Milenialsami czy to w postaci blogu lub vlogu, a skorzysta na tym twój biznes. W One Republic Mortgage rozumiemy aspekty zmieniającego się rynku i mamy duże doświadczenie w tworzeniu i prowadzeniu odnoszących sukcesy kampanii marketingowych. Zadzwoń już dziś do Radka pod numerem telefonu (630)207-0980 #GoodTip #Lending #Mortgage #BusinessTips #RealEstate

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